Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alex Ferguson feels sorry for Alex Ferguson, not Arsene Wenger

Sir Alex Ferguson mercifully decided to end the silent treatment he's been giving the press since being charged with improper conduct for criticizing referee Mark Atkinson to Manchester United's own TV station. And as he brightens the wretched lives of those sorry hacks that he is once again allowing to sit before him, he's made it clear that he hasn't RSVP'd for Arsene Wenger's pity party ahead of their FA Cup clash on Saturday. 

Said Ferguson following the massive earthquake and devastating tsunami that hit Japan (via Man United's official website):

Asked if he had sympathy for Wenger after his side’s European dismissal, Sir Alex responded: “I have sympathy for myself. I’ve had a bad week! But you’ve got to look forward. We’ve got big opportunities and a lot of challenges ahead for the rest of the season. It’s terrific to be involved at this time of year, when every game you play is of importance. We have Tuesday’s match against Marseille and then we have Bolton in a league game. It goes on and on. That’s why you hope to be involved in March.”

Yes, forget you and your piddly problems, Arsene -- the person that tops Sir Alex's sympathy list right now is Sir Alex. So stop your moaning about how bad you have it, because there are some people out there who have it far, far worse. Like Sir Alex Ferguson.  

Photo: Getty Images

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